Greenwood Principal
Ronda Reed
Ronda Reed serves as the principal at Greenwood Elementary. Ronda has been in the education field for 28 years. She started her journey as a Pre-K teacher at Hilldale Elementary for the first 4 years of her career. Ronda then moved to Tahlequah Public Schools where she has served as a teacher, vice-principal and now principal for 24 years.
Ronda as lived in Cherokee County for over 50 years and graduated for Tahlequah High School. She attended Northeastern State University where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and a Master of Education degree in School Administration.
She has been married to her husband Robbie for over 30 years. Robbie is self-employed in the gutter, remodel and construction field. Ronda is the proud mother to 3. Chase, a Tahlequah Police Detective who is married to Brittany and they have 2 sweet kids Kambri 8 and Wyatt 6. Jenna, who also works in the construction field. And Colby, who lives in Tulsa and works in the Health Policy field.
Ronda believes that the relationships she builds with her staff, students and their parents is crucial to her students’ success.

Greenwood Assistant Principal
Chrissy Christian
Chrissie Christian is finishing her 21st year in Education. 16 of those years were spent in the elementary classroom and the past 5 have been in the capacity of Assistant Principal. She has taught at Jay, Claremore, Foyil, Ada, Pauls Valley and Tahlequah.
Chrissie is a graduate of Claremore High School. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Northeastern State University and her Master of Education in School Administration from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. She is married to Brandon who is a graduate of Tahlequah High School, Northeastern State University, and is a teacher and coach at THS. They have 2 sons, Tate and Tanner. Both are students at Northeastern State University. Tate is currently the quarterbacks coach at Tahlequah High School while finishing his degree in Physical Education and Tanner is a member of the NSU Baseball team while pursing his degree in Physical Education.
Chrissie loves being a Tahlequah Tiger and is so thankful to work for the best district in the state!