Curriculum & Instruction
Tahlequah Public Schools follows the Oklahoma Academic Standards. The OAS serve as expectations for what students should know and be able to do by the end of the school year. The development, review and revision process involves stakeholders throughout the state of Oklahoma and is an ongoing and critical component to ensure Oklahoma students in every classroom receive current and relevant learning experiences.
The goal is that all students be college, career and citizen ready upon graduation from high school.
Oklahoma Academic Standards
Oklahoma Academic Standards-English Language Arts (link)
Visit the English Language Arts web page for further information.
Oklahoma Academic Standards-Mathematics (link)
Visit the Mathematics web page for further information.
Oklahoma Academic Standards-Social Studies (link)
The Oklahoma State Board of Education adopted revised Oklahoma content standards for Social Studies and History in 2012 for PreK‐12.Full implementation of the standards, integration of newly acquired instructional resources and textbooks, and fully operational statewide Social Studies assessments will be completed in the 2013-2014 school year. A committee of 65 Oklahoma educators representing all educational levels and social studies disciplines participated in writing the Oklahoma Academic Standards-Social Studies.
Beginning 2012
Visit the Social Studies web page for further information.
Oklahoma Academic Standards-Science (link)
The Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science for K‐12 were revised in 2013-2014 and adopted by the State Board of Education on March 25th, 2014. The revision process included 59 representatives from K-12, higher education, scientists, engineers, parent and community members from Oklahoma developed and provided feedback on the standards and more than 500 educators throughout the state were involved in reviewing the standards through focus groups. In addition, the standards underwent two public comment periods.
Begin Transitioning 2014-2015
K-12 Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science 2014 (download)
Assessments will be aligned to these standards in 2016-2017.Pre-Kindergarten (download)
Visit the Science web page for further information.
Oklahoma Academic Standards-World Languages (link)
PASS (download)
OCCT Assessment Does Not Exist
Visit the World Languages web page for further information.
Oklahoma Academic Standards-Fine Arts (link)
Committees of Oklahoma educators and content experts are participating in writing the Oklahoma Academic Standards Fine Arts Standards.
OCCT Assessment Info (link)
Visit the Fine Arts web page for further information.
Oklahoma Academic Standards for Health/Safety Education
Oklahoma Academic Standards - Kindergarten
Oklahoma Academic Standards - Pre-Kindergarten
Visit the Early Education web page for further information.
Oklahoma State Department of Education Office of Assessment
To find detailed information regarding specific subject area's requirements, visit the Oklahoma Academic Standards, visit the Oklahoma State Department of Education's OSA Standards webpage.