Adult Education

Tahlequah Public Schools
(AE) Adult Basic Education 
(HSE) High School Equivalency Preparation 

The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, Adult Basic Education Division, provides an opportunity for the area adults to attend educational classes. These free of charge classes serve as the “umbrella” for a variety of programs offered to the community through the Tahlequah Public School District.  These programs include (ABE) Adult Basic Education classes, (HSE) High School Equivalency test preparation, and (ELL) English Language Learners.

The Adult Education and Literacy Program is funded by the Federal Government and Tahlequah Public Schools. The program serves anyone 16 years of age and older, not currently enrolled in public schools. However, 16-17 year olds must have a GED Test Agreement form signed and notarized by a parent and an administrator from the school district in which they live (or the last school they attended). These forms can be obtained at 351 Academy, in the main office on Central Campus, bldg. B.

Duplicate copies of GED High School Diploma and Transcript can purchased at

Contact Phillip Bush to schedule enrollment 
918-458-4170 or email

Adult Education

High School Equivalency Test Information

HSE Test Preparation: Central Academy: 351 Academy St.   (918) 458-4170



6:00 – 8:00 pm

HSE / GED / Family Literacy 


6:00 – 8:00 pm

HSE / GED / Family Literacy 


5:00 – 7:00 pm

Oklahoma Works: 1295 Skills Center Circle  (918) 456-8842

HSE / GED Test Prep


1:00 – 3:00 pm

HSE / GED Test Prep


1:00 – 3:00 pm

HSE / GED Test Prep


1:00 – 3:00 pm

Northeastern State University: 600 North Grand  (918)458-4170

HSE / GED Test Prep


1:00 – 3:00 pm

**Building and Classroom to be determined at a later date.

Consult with Instructors:

 Instructors are unavailable during testing preparation activities to talk with students who are not currently enrolled.  You may leave a message at 918-458-4170 and a return phone call will be made at the instructors’ earliest convenience.  Students must be formally withdrawn from public school to enter an Adult Education class. To schedule enrollment into these any classes contact Phillip Bush at 918-458-4170 or